Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hellooooo people.. I know its been quite sometime since i used this space.. Have been hibernating for a while. Honestly,i have got a serious writer's block. I have been trying to pen down a story i have in mind for quite sometime,dammit the writing flow is completely constipated!! I happened to surf through few of my posts in my office blogs and ran into this one which i wrote long backkk.... Felt like sharing it here in this space, thus ending this hibernation...

Disclaimer: Don't really get bored with the usage of same characters in this space( I know my grandmom and grandpa needs no introduction.They got pretty famous from the first post :P ). I really got used to writing about things that happen around me!

And Part of the characters mentioned are real..partly fictitious! :D n hope it doesn't get real :P

In prior to the actual content which is a result of this thought stimulating incident,here’s a small description about the uncanny setup and weird people around me during the incident while I was watching TV.

My 75 year old grandma, most fondly called as an exaggeration queen(who also plays a cameo role in one of my previous posts,famous woman you know ;) ),the reason behind this name being her way of conveying things to people by her astoundingly funny actions , has a habit of talking to her partially deaf 86 year old husband,to whom nothing but news from NDTV,CNN,Times Now means the world.One such sample conversation is this:

Paati: (Claps her hands twice to get my Grandpa’s attention)

Thatha: (Reluctantly turns back trying to stop that noise she’s trying to produce to grab his attention off the news channel)

Paati: (When she realizes he’s at least trying to heed to what she says,shows her four fingers n points to the clock trying to say its 4 o’clock n its time to have his evening tiffin..)

Thatha: (Gives a highly irritated look… turns to her side n swings his right hand in a thumbs up position ,swinging it up and down trying to ask her what tiffin she has made for the evening)

Paati: (Giving the usual smiling look swings her right hand in circular motion showing its DOSA)

Thatha: ( Hits his forhead with his palm and sits on the dining table :( )

( i can sense all ur guesses...NO its not another What's-happening-in-my-house-in-the-morning a.k.a Morning Madness rant,this is quite different)

Looking them perform such funny actions always puts me in awe… :P I even started to count on to the saying “Actions speak louder than words” from these weird fun-to-be-with-grannies :) While this continued parallelly, I sit and watch TV and I accidentally happen to keep a duet song which stars a heroine making love to the hero.Having just a glance of it the action begins;

Paati: ( Ogles at the song for a moment and gives a disgusting look at me,which is an indication to change the channel)

I change the channel and end up encountering the same scene from the same song in another channel. Arrrgh… I finally decide to switch off the TV.

Now to the actual content…

I get back to the room and think hard about what just took place in the tv hall. I try to figure out if my grandma( in general all grandmas) hate the heroine or the hero or the totally off tune song or just LOVE???Like how time machine travels back ,I try to travel back to their time and analyze why people of my grandma’s generation hate LOVE so much..

Time travel1

My imagination brings in front of me a picture of what I am imagining might have happened back then…(1950s)-

My grandma’s(Padma,who was 15 yrs old back then) friend,Thangam, narrating her life story to her…

Thangam:Padma,yest I had this big fight at home.I din’t respond to the question my dad asked about the groom he had chosen for me.Whether I liked him or not..

Padma:Whoa!!You are so brave!! How are u going to tell him dat u love Seshan,ur same caste,same religion guy.? :roll: They will beat u to death. U better marry the one your dad chose!!

Thangam: Looks like I have to sacrifice my love.I don’t have the courage to go against my parents. :(

Time travel2

Now my imagination travel advances a little to my mom-dad’s generation(1980s)

My mom’s(Anu,who was 18 yrs old back then) friend ,Subha,narrating her plight to my mom;

Subha: Hey Anu..It’s killing me.I am not able to get rid of my thoughts about David.My parents are hunting for a groom.I really dont know what to do ???

Anu:Don’t worry.I know its tough convincing your parents about yourr inter caste love affair. Don’t panic we’ll try to support u! :)

Subha: Ya , I guess if my parents dont allow,I’ll have to seek your help to talk to my parents..after all what are friends for..i really want to marry him.I cannot live without him at the same time I need my parents’ consent!

Time travel3

Now my imagination travels back to the current time(2010)

My (Sandhya,who is 22 yrs old) friend Nivi, narrating her situation to me

Nivi:Hey Sandy,I really really miss Peter.U know he’s such a sweet heart.I could’nt wait to get back to my university in the US to be back with him.But pretty soon I need to talk about this relationship to my parents.I dont really know how they ll react.

Sandy: Oh good God..I thought you’d reveal about it only after yourr inter country register marriage ;)

Nivi: Ha ha actually good idea.. Why unnecessary trouble! :P :mrgreen:


My imagination doesn’t stop here…It advances further to the future..(2040)

My Son’s (Adi who’d prob be 27) friend talkin to his work buddy Neil

Adi: Hey Neil..ssup dude?

Neil: I jus had a romantic dinner wid Jacques.Am starting to ve feelings fa him dude..Do u think v shud take it to next level…??

Adi:Great to hear about ur homosexual realtionship dude!

I stop my imaginative time travel right there…I come back in an instant to reality. I feel as if I was stoned ,numb with what might be the future bitter(which might be a pretty harsh word in the future) truth.I am not able to imagine my reaction if my son or daughter fell a prey for such kind of relationship.May be i would react the same way my grand mom reacted which made me realize and understand the look on my grandma’s face during the song . ;)

Moral of the story: Don’t see item numbers on TV when people are around u (grandmom’s and grandpa’s esp) :P :mrgreen:

Hope you all enjoyed reading it :)


  1. I loved reading it :)hope it doesn't turn out the way u think.. ;-)

  2. Yet another paati story.There is super story reg homosexual in iyengar house.. will share it you ..its somewere in my inbox..It is really awesome
    Well after reading i remembered what my paati told when i told her that i am going to US.
    Paati- anga poitu boy friends lam vechukaga !!
    boys kuda lam thaniya pogadha..
    Me- ok amma pakara payyane kalyanam panikaren
    Paati- Adukulyum enna kalyanathuku avarasam.poi padikara vazhi a paaru
    Me- enna paati epadi solita !!na padika matum than US poren .. :P. nee enna thappa nenaikara ..
    Paati- enamo po..en kuda pesadha !!
